Veeplaas & Stockfarm (Feb 2020)
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ARTICLESCompounding of Veterinary Medicine: SAVC Publication
The prescribing of compounded medicines and vaccines play an important role in the control of animal diseases. It is essential that the correct procedures and guidelines are followed when using such products. Find below a short summary and link to these guidelines that need to be followed for the prescribing of compounded products, as published by the South African Veterinary Council.
“Introduction: Drug compounding is an integral part of veterinary clinical practice. Veterinarians prepare veterinary medical preparations for their patients partly because no suitable registered veterinary formulations exist. Despite the advances in new drug development and availability, many unmet needs still remain. In terms of the General Regulations of the Medicines and Related Substances (Act 101 of 1965) compound means to prepare, mix, combine, package and label a medicine preparation for dispensing as result of a prescription for an individual patient or a person authorised in terms of the Act. This includes repackaging of medicines. For the purpose of this guideline compounding is defined as “the preparation of a medicament that combines legally obtainable ingredients and/or appropriate vehicles, which have not been specifically excluded from animal use” (Upson, JAVMA 205, 2, 1994). It may also include the alteration of the original medicinal dosage form for the purpose of ease of administration or because the original dosage form is unsuitable for the purpose intended. Many medicines are crossed over from one animal species to another, or are human medicines administered to animals.” - SAVC To read the entire document, please click on the link below: Mannheimia / Pasteurella Infection Prevention
Dry and cold weather conditions are usually the high risk periods for secondary lung infections in animal herds. These infections severely affect growth and productivity of livestock. Mannheimia haemolytica (formerly Pasteurella haemolytica) and Pasteurella multocida are considered to be the main causes of secondary bacterial lung infections. Prevention of these infections is more beneficial to animal health as well as more cost effective than treatment regimes.
Vaccination forms an integral part in the prevention of lung infections. This vaccine contains locally isolated strains of these pathogens and their toxoids to provide optimum protection against infection and disease development. It is an inactivated vaccine that is safe for use in any animal and is suited for use in both herd farming and feedlot practices. Vaccine formulation can be readily adapted to contain farm specific pathogens where necessary and the vaccine can be applied parallel to other vaccination programs. This vaccine is applied as a primary and a booster vaccination 2-3 weeks apart, or is available in a Slow-Release formulation where only one application is required. It is also safe for use in pregnant animals. Abscess / Lung Infection Prevention
The Pasteurella / Mannheimia (lung Infection) antigens as well as the abscess antigens can be incorporated into a single combination vaccine. This vaccine is formulated to provide optimum protection against abscess formation as well as secondary lung infections. It contains inactivated whole cell antigens of Pasteurella, Mannheimia, Trueperella (formerly named Arcanobacterium), Corynebacterium and toxoids.
The antigens are all locally isolated pathogens, and it can be combined or replaced with farm specific pathogens from the herd. This combination vaccine is applied as a primary and a booster vaccination 2-3 weeks apart, or is available in a Slow-Release formulation where only one application is required. It is also safe for use in pregnant animals. Abses / Long Infeksie Voorkoming
Die Pasteurella / Mannheimia (long infeksie) antigene kan tesame met die abses antigene geïnkorporeer word in een kombinasie entstof. Hierdie entstof is geformuleer om optimale beskerming te bied teen abses ontwikkeling en sekondêre long infeksies. Dit bevat geïnaktiveerde heel-sel antigene van Pasteurella, Mannheimia, Trueperella (voorheen Arcanobacterium), Corynebacterium en toksoïdes.
Die antigene in die entstof is als plaaslike geïsoleerde patogene, en dit kan gekombineer of vervang word met plaas spesifieke patogene. Hierdie kombinasie entstof word toegedien deur ‘n primêre en ‘n skraag enting 2-3 weke uitmekaar, of is beskikbaar in ‘n Stadig-Vrystellende formulasie waarvan sleg een toediening nodig is. Dit is ook veilig vir gebruik in dragtige diere. Mannheimia / Pasteurella Infeksie Voorkoming Droeë en koue weersomstandighede is gewoonlik hoë risiko
tydperke vir sekondêre long infeksies in diere kuddes. Hierdie infeksies
verlaag groei en produksie van geaffekteerde diere. Mannheimia
haemolytica (voorheen Pasteurella haemolytica)
en Pasteurella multocida is bekend as
die hoof oorsake van sekondêre long infeksies. Voorkoming van hierdie infeksies
is meer voordelig vir die gesondheid van diere en dis meer koste effektief as
behandelings programme.
Die toediening van entstowwe vorm ‘n baie belangrike gedeelte van die voorkoming van long infeksies. Hierdie entstof bevat plaaslike geïsoleerde stamme van die bogenoemde patogene en hul toksoïdes om sodoende voldoende beskerming te bied teen infeksie en siekte ontwikkeling. Dit is ‘n geïnaktiveerde entstof wat veilig is vir toediening in enige dier en is gepas vir gebruik in kudde boerderye en voerkrale. Entstof formulasies kan aangepas word om plaas spesifieke patogene in te sluit en kan saam met ander entstof programme toegedien word. Die entstof word toegedien deur ‘n primêre en ‘n skraag enting 2-3 weke uitmekaar, of is beskikbaar in ‘n Stadig-Vrystellende formulasie waarvan slegs een toediening nodig is. Dit is ook veilig vir gebruik in dragtige diere. Mastitis Control Program
DCA offers a highly effective control program that can be specifically formulated and readily updated according to microbial profile changes within dairy herds. The program includes isolation and accurate identification of microbes, antibiotic and disinfectant resistance testing on the microbes and the formulation and production of herd-specific vaccines. The vaccines are safe for calves, heifers as well as for pregnant and lactating cows.
read more... Afrikaans
Autogenous Vaccines"In human medicine, autogenic vaccines have been used for more than 100 years. Already in 1903, the bacteriologist A. E. Wright reported the use of an autogenous vaccine in the treatment of boils. In a protocol provided in 1903 by Sir Amiroth Wright states that autogenic vaccines are heat inactivated suspensions of bacterial cultures where the micro-organism is obtained from a lesion or from the site of infection of the patient for which the autogenic vaccine ought to be manufactured..."
Masters Degree Dissertation: E.coli Mastitis
Phylogenetic and antibiotic resistance variance amongst mastitis causing E. coli: The key to effective control.
By Daniël Johannes Goosen