About Us
The Institute for Disease Control Africa (DCA) delivers a comprehensive specialized veterinary service. DCA specializes in the control and prevention of animal diseases in the agricultural and equine sectors. The emphasis is on, but not limited to biological control measures based on scientific evidence (obtained locally and internationally). The facilities of DCA are registered with the relevant authorities covering the scope of our practices. Our facilities operate on international standards and the scientists at DCA are recognized locally and internationally as experts in their respective fields. All technologies used are based on international and local publications as well as in house research and development. DCA have veterinary associates whom are specialists in the equine, poultry, dairy, sheep, game and feedlot industries.
DCA's Directives for Biological Disease Control are:
i. Identification of the specific disease causing pathogen /antigen.
ii. The use of immune activators to stimulate the immune system to react in a planned manner to specifically and effectively neutralize the pathogen.
iii. Assessment of the animal’s ability to react and to measure the response to interventions
iv. To correctly time the intervention to assure that prevention or control of the disease is optimum.
v. Formulation, according to the above criteria, of an intervention which often includes an unregistered medicine (including immune-therapeutics and vaccines).
vi. Prescription and compounding of the medicine.
Disease Control Africa strives to promote and develop the scientific advancement towards personalized disease control strategies. Emphasising the need for genome tailored approaches towards controlling diseases effectively.