The DCA Immunology laboratory is divided into two sections:
Fluorescent Antibody Test (FAT) Section
ELISA Section
The FAT laboratory uses indirect FAT in order to detect IgG (Immunoglobulin G) and IgA antibody levels in serum and milk against viruses, mycoplasmas as well as bacteria. The FAT is also used to determine the effectiveness of vaccination of specific antigens as the antigen slides is prepared in house according to the specific vaccine formulations tested. Several factors, such as antibody concentrations, antibody binding strength and amount of animals showing sero-conversion are measured to provide a more holistic immunological profile of a herd.
The ELISA laboratory performs antibody tests using commercially available kits. This laboratory provides a quick and more cost effective screening service for common diseases.
These services enable DCA and the veterinarian to perform accurate disease monitoring within animal herds and greatly assist the veterinarians in prescription of vaccines for herds according to their disease profiles.